Detailed Valuation.
What is your business really worth? Is the resale market strong for your industry? How is a franchise business valued?
Do you want to sell your franchise and feel confident you are not undervaluing your business or pricing yourself out of a successful resale?
We can help. Experienced valuers with unrivalled experience in franchising.
Find a Buyer.
Where should you market your business for sale? What is the most cost effective way to sell your business? What information should you share with a prospective buyer, and when? When and how should you introduce an interested party to you franchisor?
If you find yourself pondering the above questions, Franchise Business Brokers can help.
Franchise and Finance experts, not just one or the other
Experienced team members across the full marketing mix
Qualified Franchise Professionals handle onboarding/lead handling/ valuation – from first contact until the last
Transparent fees, no hidden costs
Largest team with a resale specialism in UK Franchising
We will give you the reality, not just what you might want to hear